J’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution d’un article co-écrit avec Alistair Cole portant sur la réanalyse d’une enquête comparative sur la gouvernance de régions social-démocrates en Europe. L’article porte plus précisément sur les enjeux de méthodes et l’usage de logiciels d’aide à l’analyse qualitative.
(with Alistair Cole), « Inquiry on territorial governance in Brittany and Wales: reanalysis of qualitative data by using CAQDAS in a comparative setting », Qualitative Research, first published 20/07/2020, URL : https://doi.org/10.1177/1468794120937622.

This article elucidates the methodological issues around reanalysis, by comparing the treatment of a corpus of 52 interviews in two European regions by two researchers. The primary data were initially analysed by the principal investigator using a method similar to content analysis and with the help of NVivo 12. It was then reanalysed by a second researcher who did not participate in the interview campaign, using a more inductive method of qualitative discourse analysis assisted by Atlas-ti 8. The overarching conclusion confirms the usefulness of combining these methods of analysis. The article is a contribution to the literature on the use of CAQDAS in the context of the reuse of data.